Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nicki Minaj Considers Reality TV

Nicki Minaj is considering a spot on MTV for her own reality show. For those of who that do not know, Nicki Minaj is 'American Idol's' newest judge. According the the E! Network, Nicki Minaj might have her own reality TV show on MTV. In an interview with Perez Hilton, Minaj teased her dream of having her own TV show along side the Kardashians and the Jonas Family. "That I'm going to keep a secret for now," she said, "I thought I'd never do something like that, not saying I am still. I'm still considering. But, I will say that I find the more people see, is the more they understand, and then it's the more they like you. If you only have such one-dimensional things to go off of like rumors, then you kind of never get to know the artist. When you pull them in your world, they see you as a real person. I'm not running away from it anymore."

Monday, September 17, 2012

Pre-Starfox Adventure Video Appears Online

Before Starfox Adventure released back in 2002, there was another game known as 'Dinosaur Planet' which was cancelled in development. But what was so special about this game is that all game play footage was lost for 10 years. Now, in 2012, video of the game emerged in a hour long video on YouTube. This is a great example of games changing in mid-development. Starfox features the fictional fox known as 'Fox McCloud' and his team of highly skilled team of animal specialists. It is said that the game plays similarly to 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'. In a E3 interview with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto, it was commented that it is weird to throw Fox in a game with magic, swords, and dinosaurs only becuase Fox is a humanoid fox. Developer RARE was known for it's heavyweight games such as 'Perfect Dark', 'Banjo-Kazooie', and 'Donkey Kong 64'. But it was a big leap for RARE to create this game. Eventually the project was redesigned into 'Starfox: Adventure'. But when the game was cancelled, all videos of game play were lost. They were thought lost until YouTube user IOnEIFalcon uploaded the hour long video. So it seems that what is lost can be found.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jude Law: A Man and His Scary Beard

Actor Jude Law recently received a makeover for an upcoming movie, and in that makeover he grew a beard that can be known throughout history as, "The beard that scared his kids". During the course of facial hair history, there have been weird beards, sexy sideburns, and manly mustaches. But even Jude Law can't compare with Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot, Kimbo Slice, and ZZ Top. But on the other hand, he can compare with Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, and WHO WAS PHONE in how easy it is to scare small children. One day, Jude Law was picking up his kids from school and when his kids walked out and  received a scare. Apparently Law grew facial hair in a day for a movie and his kids were too horrified to have him meet their friends. "My kids banned me from collecting them from school unless I was wearing a hat and hid," said Jude Law. He also said that his oldest son was teaching him street slang to make him seem cooler. But unfortunately he stopped because it made him feel 'b**ody ridiculous'.  That all goes to show that bearded men are clearly superior at being men to the point where kids will empty their bowels at the sight of them.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Did 'Curiosity' kill the cat?

On August 10, 2012, history was made when the Mars Rover 'Curiosity' touched down on the red planet, Mars. It's goal is to assess whether Mars can support life. According to one NASA scientist, the landing 'went flawlessly'. The ten scientific tools on board the 'Curiosity' are in prime condition and are ready to use. The 2.6 billion dollar 'Curiosity' landing was known as "seven minutes of terror" to NASA officials. Later at the press conference, initial images were shown of Mars including Mount Sharp, a 3.4 mile high mountain. President Obama had this to say: "The successful landing of Curiosity -- the most sophisticated roving laboratory ever to land on another planet -- marks an unprecedented feat of technology that will stand as a point of national pride far into the future,". 'Curiosity traveled 352 million miles since November 25. Finding water or other proof that life is sustainable is not something that is likely to find, but a lead scientist says: "If we knew what we were going to find, it wouldn't be this much fun."