Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Man Sparks Fire While Cooking Squirrel

A fire arose in an apartment complex in Holland Township, Michigan while a man was using a propane torch to cook a squirrel. According to fire chief, the man was burning off the fur in preparation to eat the squirrel. The fire was sparked on the deck of the man and it quickly spread to seven other apartments above the man, though many other apartments were smoke and water damaged. The unusual fire became the talk of the town rather quickly and the mans name has not been released. According to the fire chief, "That's about off the wall as it gets."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Water On Mars?

If you can see the dark streaks in that picture of Mars, you may be viewing the first possible evidence of there being water on Mars. Scientists suggest that those streaks are caused by the freezing and evaporation of salty water. It is truly fascinating to know that there may be water on Mars because that causes Mars to have a better chance of sustaining life. Scientists believe that calcium chloride has a big part to play in those streaks, they could melt the mixture and evaporate everything but some water. NASA's Spirit and Opportunity found many signs that might also suggest the possibility of there being water, but, NASA's Curiosity rolled by stream beds and recently found this excellent example. This will also be published in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Pirate Bay moves to Cloud-Based Servers

The infamous file-sharing site known as 'The Pirate Bay' will now be now be operating from cloud-based servers from all across the world. The site will now be known as 'The Pirate Cloud' and will be removing all trackers, torrents, and servers. Back in 2006, police raided the sites headquarters and shut down all servers, taking the site offline. Now on the site, if you click on the image on the homepage, you will be redirected to a page explaining the switch. A  representative from the site  said it allows the site to move from country to country, Now hosting providers won't know if they're hosting 'The Pirate Bay'. It will be impossible to be able to tell to gather data on users accessing the site. If the police raid again, all they would find is a transit router instead of the server hub. The police can shut it down, but there would just be less server space to be accessible for users. In 2011, the 'Stop Online Piracy Act' or SOPA, was passed in hopes of ending online piracy. SOPA's main target was 'The Pirate Bay', but it was unsuccessful in taking the site offline. Protests arose against SOPA from many different sites: Cheezburger, Mojang, Major League Gaming, The Oatmeal, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, Linkedln, eBay, PayPal, Reddit, Wordpress, and Yahoo to name a few. But the most extreme was Wikipedia with a whole site blackout. But 'The Pirate Bay' was above of the influence of SOPA and was not affected in any way, well maybe just slower download speeds, but that's about it. So now if SOPA wants to act up again, they can't do anything 'The Pirate Bay'.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Genocide Spreads Panic Across Azeroth

It happens on occasion that a hacker in the hit game ,'World of Warcraft', finds a glitch or exploit that allows them to be higher than their nerd god. But should it happen, it would be patched before any severe damage is done. But this time a group of Death Knights have found a way to unleash a plague that can cause instant death. This band of unloved Death Knights went flying around nuking entire cities across multiple servers. Even though it has already been patched by Blizzard and the hackers banned, there is still anxiety in the ever growing community of Azeroth. The official response came from Community Manager, Nethaera. It was said that it is safe to find adventures in other cities, they are sorry for any inconvenience and there will be a full investigation on the matter. Their are likely theories being speculated around the incident but it is still unknown what the actual cause of the genocide was. Coincidentally, that day marked the seventh anniversary of the 'Corrupted Blood Plague', which happened back in 2005.  If you have ever seen the 'South Park' episode, 'Make Love, Not Warcraft', you might understand what might the subscribers be feeling in this dark time. But it still may be some time before players can find peace with their fallen comrades.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

World Chili Cook-Off To Feature Bean Recipes

For many a moon, Chili has been known for it's scrumptious variety of meats, spices, and beans. But there are some Chili purists who would like to disagree. Chili purists are known for their love of chili and their hatred for the beans that go in the chili. Now the International Chili Society, ICS, is allowing beans in their chili for the World Chili Cook-Off and their is a major upset throughout the chili loving population of the world. This year, there will be a bean optional category at the cook-off and it is safe to say, people are not happy. It is believed with the new category, all competition will be crushed. While purists state the beans are just a filler, others disagree when saying the beans do belong in their community. Last year's ICS Chili Cook-Off, John Jepson, is entering in both bean and no bean categories, and he thoroughly believes the debate will never end.
